The Kichijoji SIM is going to open.
I have helped to develop towns from a few weeks ago.
Yesterday,the member of the Kichijoji was working in the midnight.

Kichijoji is a real city in Tokyo.
There is a city of the atmosphere that is fashion with popularity to a youth.
Kichijoji SIM is going to similar in real Kichijoji.
It will open on June 13.
I asked for a shop for the station square.
As a result, I was able to prepare Brave Stream Kichijoji station square shop.

And I asked for another one place, land for a luxurious thing.
I borrowed land of 1,024 square meters and built the shop which resembled the Colosseum of ancient Roman age there.

In fact, I wanted to make here an arena.
To tell the true intention, I wanted to make here the arena where avatars fight with the karate skill.However, it is the dream that is impossible to me now because it thinks that perhaps a complicated scripts are necessary to realize it.
By the way, I want to inform it of a place of Kichijoji SIM and detailed contents if it is June 13.