Saturday, December 29, 2007

Motion Plug Complete type A

Hi, how are you?

I started sale of HUD "Motion Plug Complete type A" that is the "Motion Plug" preinstalled karate animations.

Having distributed the "Motion Plug" free, animations are other selling, so users can set their favorite animations.

But some people says that "I want a HUD that has been completed settings".
So, I released this version.
[Motion Plug Complete type A] is a HUD that can control real Karate animations by 1click.[Motion Plug Complete type A] includes 17 animations and 3poses of karate, and the assignment to the buttons has been already finished.

So, you can use it after drag and drop to your avator.

"type A" means the type of lineup of karate animations.Now(Dec,2007),there is only "type A", but I will release new types in the future.

I am happy if I have you enjoy [Motion Plug Complete type A]

//// sale places ////

**** Second Life Exchange ****

**** ShopOnRez ****

※ I am going to sell it from tomorrow in each shop in SL.

//// How to use [Motion Plug Complete type A] ////

(1)Rez the object "MP_Comp_A_box" on the ground of sand box or your land.

(2)Right click it and open the content.

(3)Put the "MotionPlugComplete_A" and other contents in the avator's inventory.

(4)Drag and drop the "MotionPlugComplete_A" to attach your avator.

(5)Click buttons of the HUD that is in the lower right area, and please play animations.

* 4 "Loop" buttons are for loop animations. The 1st click can play loop animation and 2nd click can stop it.

Preparations were completed!  Isn't it easy?

//// The list of assignment to buttons ////

About the assignment of animations to buttons, please confirm the image "button_setting_En" which is in "MP_Comp_A_box".

*The information next here is about the change of animations to assign buttons. So,if you donnot want to change them, you don't have to read below.

//// If you want to change the assignment to buttons ////
(1)Rez the "MotionPlugComplete_A" from your inventory to the ground.

(2)Right click the "MotionPlugComplete_A" and open the Content tab in the Edit menu, drag and drop all animations that you want to use into Content.

(3)Double click the script "MotionPlugCompA_root" in the same Content.

(4)You assign animations to a button in the list below the title //// Assign animations to buttons,here ///.

For example,in the case of the first line 'string head = "high_rr_jumpimg-high_kick"; ' , please change "high_rr_jumpimg-high_kick" to the name of the new animation you want to use.

* Right-click the animation , property screen will open, select the name text , copy to the script, it's the simple way.

Because character string "head" after "string" is the button name, you assign the new animation to a head button in this line.

* Put animations that are not loop animation into body parts button and hotkey button.(These buttons do't have the function to stop the loop animations)
* Put loop animations(and poses) into the "Loop" buttons.("Loop" buttons have a function to stop the loop animations by second click.)

(5)When you finish writing the names of animations and save the script,close the edit menu and take "MotionPlugComplete_A" in your inventory.

That's all.

//// Attention ////

(1) [ Motion Plug Complete type A ] cannot give damege to another avators and objects.
(2)*This HUD cannot work at the place where the use of the script is set impossible.

//// Group ////
I established a group to send update information from "Brave Stream".
Please search the group with keyword "Brave Stream English",and push the "Join" button.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Number of Residents Logged-In

Hi, it's very cold, is't it?
But in SL, it's very hot before X'mas.

Total Residents of SL increased 11,476,426 ,today.
But they say that there are many people who log in only 1time, because they cannot find what to do.
So, I have been interested in the change of the number of Residents Logged-In.
At this page we can see the numbers of "Residents Logged-In During Last 7,14,30,60 Days".
(I think numbers will be ones of unique users)

But I could not find the graph of the change of them.
(If you know about it, please teach me.)

I have begun to write down numbers of "Population" of the page in Excel from the latter half of September.
*I think the points falling greatly are influence of maintenance in SL.

Seeing it, numbers increase from the latter half of October to November, but become about the same with numerical value three months ago when December begins.

Because the age group of most users seems to be 30 generations, the number of the login may fall in the time when work is busy.

Total Residents ;
07/09/24 ; 9,686,1
07/12/18; 11,457,044
They increase by about 18%.

This increase rate should be just reflected to the number of the login.
Well, almost people may be so busy now.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sculpted Prim by LightWave3D (2nd)

Today,Iexplain about sculpted prim made by LightWave3D.
A finished product is the lights tower in the image below.
I like the shadow chopped in structure very much.
I looks photograph-like, but it is not a photograph.

At first, , make an object by LightWave, and set surface by node editer that was added from LW9.0.

After the appearance became good feeling, render it by "surface baking camera".

Then the following texture was made.

Next, render the sculpt image by using the plugin of LW.
It is easy to make this, because the work can be done immediately after making surface.

Well, look at the step before rendaring.
The most important thing to make sculpt prim is editting a UV map adequately.

By default, the UV map of this object is below.
Seemingly I seem to be orderly, but there is a protruding part.
In addition, it is hard to find it, but, the top and base round surfaces are in linearity state at top and the base of the map.

Widen these and edit it, not to protrude ,not to have blanks.
At last, make it a triangle polygon by Ctrl+T.

Notice, making triangle polygon is the last work, because edittig becaome defficult after it.

Aftre them, the final map is below.
I do not think this is perfect, but think that the point where I minded was not wrong because I was able to make the shape that I thought.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Motion Plug 1.5 is released!

Hi, I am very happy, because I could complete the "Motion Plug 1.5 ".
The theme was to solve malfunction, but as a result, I think "Motion Plug 1.5 " is more useful because of being unnecessary to click many dialogs when you attach it.

But the method of assigning animations to buttons is changed.
I explain it in order.

=== Motion Plug 1.5 === 2007/12/08 William7 Streeter

[Motion Plug] is a HUD to control the avator animation by 1 click.
There is a function that the animation can be asigned to gesture and be controled by shortcut key.But the function can be used only for the animation with full permission.

Almost animations in shops are (no copy,no moddify) and they can not be asigned to gesture,so we must open them from inventory by double click and click the button ato dialog box.

[Motion Plug] is a solution for the complicatedness, and makes you enjoy animation in one click easily.I developed [Motion Plug] for my customers to enjoy my Karate animations.But [Motion Plug] can be used for all animations like dances,poses,and so on.

//// Update note ////

2007/09/05 [Motion Plug 1.0] was released.
2007/11/29 "Second Life 1.18.5 Viewer" was released, and there was a change about "Permissions dialogs".Therefore, the issue for [Motion Plug 1.0] has occured.
2007/12/08 [Motion Plug 1.5] released.
//// Changes from previous version [Motion Plug 1.0] /////

(1)It becomes not necessary to click 20 buttons of the dialog boxes.
(2)All animations are stored in one root prim.
(3)By filling in one script with all names of animations,you can assign all animations to buttons.

//// How to use ////

(1)Rez the object "Motion_Plug1.5_box" on the ground of sand box or your land.
(2)Right click it and open the content.
(3)Put the "MotionPlug1.5" in the inventory.
(4)Rez the "MotionPlug1.5" from inventory to the ground.
(5)Right click the "MotionPlug1.5" and open the Content tab in the Edit menu, drag and drop all animations that you want to use into Content.
(6)Double click the script "MotionPlug1.5_root" in the same Content.

(7)You assign animations to a button in the list below the title //// Assign animations to buttons,here ///.
For example,in the case of the first line 'string head = "animation name";' , please change "animation name" to the name of the animation you want to use.* Right-click the animation , property screen will open, select the name text , copy to the script, it's the simple way.
Because character string "head" after "string" is the button name, you assign the animation to a head button in this line.
* About the placement of the button name, please confirm the image "button_list" which is in "Motion_Plug1.5_box".
* Put animations that are not loop animation into body parts button and hotkey button.(These buttons do't have the function to stop the loop animations)
* Put loop animations(and poses) into the "Loop" buttons.("Loop" buttons have a function to stop the loop animations by second click.)

(8)When you finish writing the names of animations and save the script,close the edit menu and take "MotionPlug1.5" in your inventory.
(9)Drag and drop the "MotionPlug1.5" to attach your avator.
(10)Click buttons of the HUD that is in the lower right area, and please play animations.(Dialog box does not appear anymore)
//// Attention ////

* [ Motion Plug Complete type A ] cannot give damege to another avators and objects.
* This HUD cannot work at the place where the use of the script is set impossible.

//// Group ////

I established a group to send update information from "Brave Stream".
Please search the group with keyword "Brave Stream English",and push the "Join" button.

//// My shops ////

Brave Stream #1
Brave Stream #2
Brave Stream #3

Let's go there and try it!
Thank you!

Monday, December 3, 2007

The Issue of Motion Plug for 1.18.5 Viewer

Hi,this is William7 Streeter of Karate animation shop.

Today, I inform about the issue of free HUD "Motion Plug1.0" for "Second Life 1.18.5 Viewer ".
"Second Life 1.18.5 Viewer" was released on November 29th, and there was a big change about "Permissions dialogs".

Therefore, I confirmed that only five buttons of MotionPlug are able to be active, though there are twenty buttons in MotionPlug.

Now I am preparing for an improved version of MotionPlug, so please wait for a while.
If you are still using previous SL viewer, you can use MotionPlug without a problem.

Thank you for your patience.