Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Humor in the sky 300m

Hi, I am making the official web site of  "Brave Stream".
By the way, nearly I made sky box in the sly 300m on Fushida(main land).

One day, I found the contrail.
I was surprised and took a picture.
It is below.

And I have made zoom with a camera.

Wao, it is a fine airplane.
But anybody on the ground cannot find this, because default avatars cannnot fly over 100m.

Furthermore, this flew when I flew in the outskirts.

Yes, it is a tiger.
This tiger is moving(flying,standing and sitting).

I thought "Why are these objects set such higer places where almost people cannot find?".

This idea has something common in Japanese elegance.

My Fushida shop is here.
Look around here.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sounds for Karate weapon

Hi, I released the sounds by L$0.

You can change animations in "Karate Fight" weapon.
So,you can customize Karate weapon.

Not only animations but  also sounds are necessarry to customize.
So, I released them in my shop.

The sounds are free.

Please use them.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Change from "WARPS" to "XRPS"

Hi, I am making the official web site of "Brave Stream".
And I used the hud of WARPS after a long absence.

So, the new hud "XRPS" was sent.
I wonder if the name of "WARPS" has been changed.
I confirmed about it to my friend in SL.
My expectation was right.

I went to the XRPS SIM "Lost City 29,187,26".

The purple board will give you hud by clicking it.
And there are wide room like this.

I confirmed that my weapon is available for WRPS.
I fight with my second avatar.


I revised a signboard in SL or blog after this.
Oh, it was troublesome. . .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I changed the title of this blog.

Hi,this is William7.
I changed the title of this blog.

When I began to write this blog, I didn't decide what to do in second life.
But now I am continuing to make animations of karate.

I named my shop's name "Brave Stream" in SL.
I want to be known this name as a brand of animations by many players.
So, I changed the name of this blog.

Please remember "Brave Stream", the best animation.

Thank you!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Backspin Right Punch

Hi, my difficult work in real world is completed, and it is karate animation up after a long absence.

The animation that I released today is "Backspin Right Punch".

This is a classical motion in karate.
It can not be shown in karate match, but I like this skill.
I think it will be cool to use this skill in combat.

1, It starts from "Zenkutsu dachi".

2, Move the right leg to front by streight line.

3, After it, twist the upper body to right side.

4, Give a punch by force to return the body twisted to right.

After all will this be quiet?

After all will this be quiet? But I think that it is the cool skill, but will be enthusiastic?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Karate for DCS/CCS/XRPS Hybrid2009

Today, I reased the new Karate weapon for DCS2, CCS, XRPS.

[shop in SL]

[ Xstreet ]

_/_/_/ Introduction _/_/_/

"Karate for DCS/CCS/XRPS Hybrid2009" is the newest type of the Karate weapon series for combats that it has begun from February, 2008.

This is a weapon for DCS2,CCS and XRPS.By attaching it, players can use Karate skills.

In DCS2, CCS and XRPS, players attack the opponents by pushing the arrow key (or, AWSD key) while pushing the left button of the mouse. If a timing and distance are appropriate, the player can give the opponent damage.

_/_/_/ A characteristic of Hybrid2009 _/_/_/

1,This "Hybrid 2009" is edited by choosing popular skills included in three editions "Karate Fight","Karate type K","Karate type S".In SIM where the rule is very severe, there is a case forbidding all skills with the jump.Therefore I selected only skills without the jump.

2,You can turn off the combat mode of Karate by typing "/88 off" in chat window.
So, it is not necessary to worry that the karate skill begins in an unexpected scene.And you can turn on the combat mode of Karate by typing "/88 on".

3,You can invalidate the sound effects by typing "/88 se_off" in chat window.Because sound effects cause an error in SIM where the lag is big, it is convenient that you can invalidate sound effects.

And you can validate the sound effects by typing "/88 se_on" in chat window.
The default setting when you attach the weapon is "Karate on" and "sound effects on".

4,If you click the bracelet, it becomes invisible.The next click makes it appear.If you do not like the to attach the bracelet, you can make it be invisible.

_/_/_/ How to use [Karate for DCS/CCS/XRPS Hybrid2009] _/_/_/

(1)Rez the object "Karate_Hybrid2009_box" on the ground of sand box or your land.

(2)Right click it and open the content.

(3)Put the "Karate_Hybrid2009" in the inventory.

(4)Drag and drop the "Karate_Hybrid2009" to attach your avator.An bracelet object is attached to the right arm of the avatar.

(5)You can attack the opponent by pushing the arrow button while pushing the left button of the mouse.* If an owner clicks it, the earring object will be invisible. And 2nd click make it appear.* And the earring is modify OK, so you can change the shape and part to attach.

_/_/_/ YouTube _/_/_/

_/_/_/ The operation of the karate skills with arrow keys _/_/_/

With pushing the left button of the mouse, operate arrow key as follows.
() is the key which you can substitute for arrow key.

arrow keyForward(W)=== Combination of left triple high kick === [forward_arrow]
Back(S) ===== Combination of left roundhouse kick and right reverse roundhouse kick === [back_arrow]
Left(A) ===== Combination of punch left ,right and left roundhousekick === [left_arrow]
Right(D)===== Right axe kick === [right_arrow]
Forward(W) + Back(S) ===== Combination of left punch,right punch, backspin blow, axe kick == [forward_back]
Forward(W) + Left(A) ===== Combination of left front kick and right high kick(*) === [forward_left]Forward(W) + Right(D) =====
Combination of right Low, middle, high kick(*) = [forward_right]
Left(A) + Right(D) ===== Rush of body blows (*) = [left_right]
Back(S) + Left(A) ===== Combination of left high kick, side kick, and right punch(*) = [back_left]

Back(S) + Right(D) ===== Combination of 3 punches and right low kick(*) = [back_right]

In the case of the skill to have to push 2 keys, the animation starts by the timing when you release the keys.

_/_/_/ The change of animation assigned to arrow key _/_/_/

(1)Rez the earring object," Karate_Hybrid2009 " on the ground of sand box or your land.Right click it and open the content, move the animation file which you do not use to your inventory.

(2)Put the new animation file into "contents", and change the file name to the one which moved to your inventory at (1).(You had better to write the original name of the animation file in the "description" field of property panel)

(3)After replacing, return "Karate_Hybrid2009" to your inventory, and attach it by drag & drop.

* All animation files sold in my shop "Brave Stream" are Modify OK, so you can use them to

_/_/_/ The change of sound assigned to arrow key _/_/_/

Like a case to replace animation files, replace the sound file and change the file name.

_/_/_/ Permissions of each elements of this weapon _/_/_/

animation === Modify OK, Transfer OKsound === Modify OK,
Transfer OKobject === Modify OK, Transfer OKscript === Transfer OK

_/_/_/ Group _/_/_/

I established a group to send update information from "Brave Stream".

_/_/_/ _/_/_/

Monday, June 15, 2009

Seiken Sandan Zuki

Hi, I made an animation of "Seiken Sandan Zuki".
"Seiken" is a fist, "Sandan" means triple, and "Zuki" means punsh.

It begins from "Zenkutsu dachi" which I released a few weeks ago.
In karate dojo, students train this motion many times.
This is a very traditional karate motion, so this will not be used in real match.

1st, this is "Zenkutsu dachi".

2nd, right seiken

3rd, left seiken
4th, right again

It is important to begin punch motion after decide the position of waist.

Visit my shop in SL.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Update of "Karate typeS"

Hi, today I released "Karate for DCS/CCS/XRPS typeS 1.5".
It is the update virsion.

This update was given to follow the rule of many combat SIMs.
The jump distance of "Reverse Roundhouse Jumping Triple Kick" and "Triangle Jump" were redused.

Customers who purchased "typeS" can exchange to "typeS 1.5".
If you want to exchange, send IM to me(William7 Streeter).

I will confirm the avatar's name.
*Give me IM from the avatar that purchased the "typeS". If a different avatar send me IM, I cannot distinguish it is real or not.

I pray for what people enjoy with my weapon.

Thank you!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Permission changed

Hi, I have changed the permission of the "Sound" of "Karate Fight for DCS/CCS/WARPS".

When I made this weapon, I thought that the "Copy OK" of sound is useful to change animations.
But recently, I have found that there many players who presents the weapon.
So,I think "Transfer OK" of sounf is more important for players.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Zenkutsu-dachi, Gedan-barai

Good evening.

Today, I released the new pose "Zenkutsu-dachi, Gedan-barai".

It is a traditional style for basic trainimg of karate .
Almost of newcomer to dojo will learn this skill first.

1st, open your right leg to back, and put the left hand to right ear, and guard the vital part by right hand.

Next, swing down the left arm, and move the right hand to the right armpits.

I remember that I have been tought this skill when I was young.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

"The 3rd Collection of Karate Animations" is released.

Hi, I released "The 3rd Collection of Karate Animations".

You can use them as materials for weapons.

If you have "Karate Fight for DCS/CCS/WARPS", you can make it your favorite combination be by these animations.
The animations in this collection are released at "Karate Animation Brave Stream" from July in 2008 till January in 2009.

The items in this collection are 11animations below.

(1)Rush of Body Blows
(2)Combination of Left Triple High Kick
(3)Combination of Left Axe Kick and Right Low Kick
(4)Jumping Reverse Roundhouse Kick
(5)Right Axe Kick of Karate
(6)Combination of Right Low, Middle, High Kick
(7)Combination of Left High Kick, Side Kick, and Right Punch
(8)Rounding Heel Kick (Dou Mawashi Kaiten Geri)
(9)Combination of Backspin Low and Right High Kick
(10)Reverse Roundhouse Jumping Triple Kick
(11)Triangle Jump of karate

The total price of them is "L$ 3,250".
But you can purchase this collection by special price "L$ 2,850"

Watch movies of these animations by YouTube.

/// Permissions ///
Modify OK, Transfer OK
*You can use them for weapn"Karate Fight for DCS/CCS/WARPS" or another weapon by changing file names.

/// Priority ///
Animation's priority is 4.

/// All itmes of William7 Streeter ///

Thank you!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The "2nd Collection" is released.

Hi, the holidays are going to the end.

Today, I released the "2nd Collection of Karate Animations".
Now, I am sekking it in SL,
Ater a few hours, I upload to Xstreet.

You can use them as materials for weapons.

If you have "Karate Fight for DCS/CCS/WARPS", you can make it your favorite combination be by these animations.
The animations in this collection are released at "Karate Animation Brave Stream" from November in 2007 till July in 2008.

The items in this collection are 3poses, 11animations below.

(1)Combination skill of Right High Kick, Left Reverse Roundhouse Kick, Right Jumping Roundhouse Kick
(2)The loop animation of Karate, "En-Bu" no,1
(3)Right Knee Kick
(4)Left Knee Kick
(5)Right Low Kick
(6)Double Jumping Knee Kick
(7)Combination of Punch left ,right and left Low Kick
(8)Combination of right Low Kick and left High Kick
(9)Combination of left Front Kick and right High Kick
(10)Combination of Left Double Punches and Right Low Kick
(11)Combination of 3Punches and Right Low Kick

The total price of them is "L$ 3,360".

But you can purchase this collection by special price "L$ 2,950"

/// Permissions ///
Modify OK, Transfer OK
*You can use them for weapn"Karate Fight for DCS/CCS/WARPS" or another weapon by changing file names.

/// Priority ///
Animation's priority is 4.

Please try it!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The "1st Collection" is started to be sold in SL

Hi, we are in a long term holiday in Japan.
I finally become to make time to manage about SL.

Today, I started to sell "Karate 1st Collection" in Second Life.
Till today, I released it only in Xstreet.

(I have written about this.)

I have made many animations till today, so I will release "2nd collection","3rd collection" in nearly day.

By the way, I have been given a new PC by my company.
The machine is a little high spec.

I am very glad because I can express a reflection to the surface of the water of the avatar.
It is very nice.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Meta Commerce

Hi, it is after a long absence.

Today, I report about "Meta commerce".

It is a point service that has original point system through web site.
We can exchange the point "Mameta" to L$.

I opened my web shop in "Meta commerce".

A god point of this system is the link of blog community "Slmame".

Almost users of this system are Japanese.
But now, almost of my costomers are not Japanese.

I am interesting about reactions of japanese users.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Karate for DCS,CCS,XRPS typeS

Today, I released the new weapon for combat system(DCS2, SSC, XRPS).
Two weapons that I have already released seem to be favorable receptions more and more.
The considerably luxurious skills are included in this weapon.

[2009/06/07] I released the update virsion.(ver.1.5)

[shop in SL]

_/_/_/ Introduction _/_/_/

"Karate for DCS/CCS/XRPS type S" is the newest type of the Karate weapon series for combats that it has begun from February, 2008.

This is a weapon for DCS2,CCS and XRPS.
By attaching it, players can use Karate skills.
(DCS official site; )
(CCS official site; City of LOST ANGELS )

In DCS2, CCS and XRPS, players attack the opponents by pushing the arrow key (or, AWSD key) while pushing the left button of the mouse. If a timing and distance are appropriate, the player can give the opponent damage.

The player generally puts on the weapons such as a sword or the crow to fight in DCS2, CCS and XRPS.

In karate weapon which I produced, players attach the bracelet-shaped object, but they do not put on the weapon and attack the target barehanded.

_/_/_/ A characteristic of type S _/_/_/

A characteristic of "type S" is to include the skills they are the super high level that becomes the legend in Karate.

In the other types, skills used in real matches and lessons are involved.
But in "type S", the aerial skills that we can rarely watch are included abundantly.

It will be to surely give a strong impression to other players.

_/_/_/ How to use [Karate for DCS/CCS/WARPS type S] _/_/_/

(1)Rez the object "Karate_typeS_box" on the ground of sand box or your land.

(2)Right click it and open the content.

(3)Put the "Karate_typeS" in the inventory.

(4)Drag and drop the "Karate_typeS" to attach your avator.An earring object is attached to the right ear of the avatar.

(5)You can attack the opponent by pushing the arrow button while pushing the left button of the mouse.
* If an owner clicks it, the earring object will be invisible. And 2nd click make it appear.
* And the earring is modify OK, so you can change the shape and part to attach.

_/_/_/ The operation of the karate skills with arrow keys _/_/_/

With pushing the left button of the mouse, operate arrow key as follows.
() is the key which you can substitute for arrow key.
[] is a name of the animation file to be related to.

arrow keyLeft(A) ===== Combination of Left Axe Kick and Right Low Kick === [left_arrow]
Right(D)===== Right Axe Kick === [right_arrow]
Forward(W)=== Combination of Right Low, Middle, High Kick === [forward_arrow]
Back(S) ===== Jumping Reverse Roundhouse Kick === [back_arrow]
Forward(W) + Back(S) ===== Reverse Roundhouse Jumping Triple Kick == [forward_back]
Forward(W) + Left(A) ===== Combination of Left High Kick, Side Kick, and Right Punch(*) === [forward_left]
Forward(W) + Right(D) ===== Rounding Heel Kick(*) = [forward_right]
Left(A) + Right(D) ===== Triangle Jump(*) = [left_right]
Back(S) + Left(A) ===== Combination of Left Triple High Kick(*) = [back_left]
Back(S) + Right(D) ===== Combination of Backspin Low and Right High Kick(*) = [back_right]

(*)In the case of the skill to have to push 2 keys, the animation starts by the timing when you release the keys.

_/_/_/ The change of animation assigned to arrow key _/_/_/

(1)Rez the earring object," Karate_typeS " on the ground of sand box or your land.Right click it and open the content, move the animation file which you do not use to your inventory.

(2)Put the new animation file into "contents", and change the file name to the one which moved to your inventory at (1).
(You had better to write the original name of the animation file in the "description" field of property panel)

(3)After replacing, return "Karate_typeS" to your inventory, and attach it by drag & drop.

* All animation files sold in my shop "Brave Stream" are Modify OK, so you can use them to replace.

_/_/_/ The change of sound assigned to arrow key _/_/_/

Like a case to replace animation files, replace the sound file and change the file name.

_/_/_/ Permissions of each elements of this weapon _/_/_/

animation === Modify OK, Transfer OK
sound === Modify OK, Transfer OK
object === Modify OK, Transfer OK
script === Transfer OK

_/_/_/ Group _/_/_/

I established a group to send update information from "Brave Stream".
Please search the group with keyword "Brave Stream English",and push the "Join" button.